State Consultant for School-Based Speech-Language Pathology Services
Welcome to the new location for accessing information about Arkansas' Speech-Language Pathology Support Personnel Program, previously coordinated by Sharon Ross.
ASHA Assistant Certification Is Coming!
ASHA is introducing a national credential program for speech-language pathology assistants (SLPAs) to create a pipeline of trained and qualified professionals who meet a uniform standard of competency and can support you across their full scope of practice. SLPAs can increase the availability, frequency, and efficiency of services, providing you with more time to focus on high-level services.
How can you prepare for the program's launch in Fall 2020? Inform your current assistants about this opportunity, and direct them to ASHA's website,, where they can find information about eligibility requirements and stay up to date with the latest program developments.
To be eligible to take the speech-language pathology assistants certification exam, applicants must complete one of three pathway options that best fits their education and qualifications. For more information, click the link below.
SLP Assistant Certification Eligibility Pathways Information Now Available from ASHA!
School Districts and Early Childhood Programs in Arkansas may seek approval for the use of Speech-Language Pathology Support Personnel (assistants or aides) who can perform tasks as prescribed, directed, and supervised by Master's level speech-language pathologists (SLPs). The supervising SLP(s) and district or cooperative administrator(s) design a service delivery plan which best meets the needs of the professional(s) and the students being served. These professionals submit for approval a written proposal for each year that this model is to be implemented.
Click this link to view the Arkansas Department of Education (ADE)
Guidelines for Registration, Training, Scope of Responsibilities, Supervision and Review of Speech-Language Assistants and Aides (July 2010), which govern the use of SLP Support Personnel in school districts and early childhood programs.
Click this link to view the Arkansas Board of Examiners in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology (ABESPA) Rules and Regulations (Section 13), which govern the use of SLP Support Personnel (Assistants only) in DDS centers and private practice settings.
In Arkansas, a registration process is used to recognize and approve the use of speech-language pathology support personnel in all settings. Individuals who wish to work as a speech-language pathology assistant or aide must register along with his/her supervising speech-language pathologist with the Arkansas Board of Examiners in Speech Pathology and Audiology (ABESPA) and/or with the Arkansas Department of Education (ADE). The setting where the support personnel will be used dictates the agency with whom applicants must register.
SLPs and SLP-Assistants or SLP-Aides (SLPAs) working exclusively in school districts and public early childhood programs must register with the ADE by submitting a proposal to Shelly Wier, Coordinator of the SLP Support Personnel Program. See the ADE's "Guidelines for Preparation of Proposals for Use of SLPAs in Public Agencies Providing Educational Services". Assurances and Agreements form.
SLPs and SLP-Assistants working in DDS Centers or private practice settings must register with ABESPA by completing the Application Forms located on the ABESPA website.
SLPs and SLP-Assistants working in multiple settings, including both private practice and school or early childhood settings, must register with ABESPA first, but also submit a proposal to the ADE.
SOS Successful Options for Supervision (Managing Support Personnel)
This training is an introduction to the use of SLP Support Personnel and includes a review of guidelines and regulations, registration procedures, scheduling options, caseload issues, and supervision, training, and documentation requirements.
Speech-Language Pathologists, SLP-Assistants or -Aides MUST attend this training prior to implementing the support personnel service delivery model. Sessions will be offered virtually though Zoom.
Participants must register PRIOR to the session date by contacting ___Aleecia Starkey at
Download session handouts prior to attending this training.
SOS Introductory Training handout 2020
SOS Introductory Training Prezi slides handout
Contact Aleecia Starkey at to Register
Second-year teams (SLPs/SLPAs) may attend an August Intro Session in lieu of the Review Session if these dates are more convenient.
FALL 2020
Virtual through Zoom
8:30 am to 11:30pm
August 13 or 20, 2020
Training Forms
Supervision Forms
Instructions for Completing Supervision Forms
Record of Service Delivery & Supervision (2 weeks)
Record of Service Delivery & Supervision (1 week)
Record of Indirect Supervision
Direct Supervision of Multiple Sites
Supervision Documentation - Example 1
Supervision Documentation - Example 2
SLP Support Personnel: A Review
This training session for second-year teams will provide a review of the regulations governing the use of SLP Support Personnel in Arkansas. Participants will have the opportunity to share initial experiences with designing a schedule, developing lesson plans, and documenting supervision during the prior year. This session will also provide a forum to discuss strategies to improve the implementation of this service delivery model.
Personnel (SLP, Assistant, Aide) who used the support personnel model for the FIRST TIME during the 2019-20 school year MUST attend this Review Session.
Participants must register PRIOR to the session date by contacting Aleecia Starkey at
Download session handouts prior to attending this training.
Review Session References handout
Review Session 2-week worksheet
Review Session Ethical Dilemmas handout
Contact Aleecia Starkey at to Register
Second-year teams (SLPs/SLPAs) may attend a September Intro Session in lieu of the Review Session if dates are more convenient. Activities/Discussion specific to returning teams will be offered.
FALL 2020
Virtual through Zoom
8:30 to 11:30
September 17 or 24, 2020