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Academic Accommodation Resources

Here are some online resources from DO-IT, which promotes inclusion and success for people with disabilities.

Speech and language therapy, social skills, and communication. Also includes the Speaking Space, a communication-oriented day service for adults with autism and other disabilities.

Autism Circuit

The Autism Circuit is a project based at ESC Region 13 and funded by a grant from the Texas Education Agency for the purpose of providing professional development to educators working with students with autism spectrum disorder. The Autism Circuit offers webinars and online trainings.

Autism Research Institute

Established in 1967, the San Diego-based nonprofit ARI is world headquarters for research and information on autism and related disorders, and the epicenter of a rapidly growing movement that holds that autism can be treated effectively through intensive behavior modification and a variety of individualized biomedical treatments.  Home to the Defeat Autism Now project.

Autism Resources for Families (National Autism Center)

"Being armed with information about autism spectrum disorder (ASD) helps families feel more comfortable as they face new challenges. Some families need to know where to start when one member of the family has been recently diagnosed. Other families face unexpected difficulties as their loved ones with ASD learn to live effectively in home, school, or community settings. We are dedicated to supporting families by making information and resources more readily available."

Autism Speaks Video Glossary

An innovative web-based tool designed to help parents and professionals learn more about the early red flags and diagnostic features of autism spectrum disorders (ASD).  This glossary contains over a hundred video clips and is available free of charge.  Whether you are a parent, family member, friend, physician, clinician, childcare provider, or educator, it can help you see the subtle differences between typical and delayed development in young children and spot the early red flags for ASD.  All of the children featured in the ASD Video Glossary as having red flags for ASD are, in fact, diagnosed with ASD.

BBB Autism Online Support Network

This website, developed by parents, contains over 2,000 links, many great parents stories, recommended reading, online support, and lots of information pertaining to raising a child who is on the autism spectrum.

Beyond Autism

This site contains over 2,700 working links to other resources and is a comprehensive source of information on teaching methodologies, general and special education resources, IEP information, augmentative and communication assistance, assistive technology information, disability legal information, sensory dysfunction issues, specialized catalogs, behavior problems and much more.  There is a trove of information here on PECS and communication.

CDC Autism Links and Resources

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has its own list of resources for families, financial resources for health care, health care providers, educators, and more!

"The digital age brings good news for teachers and parents dealing with students with autism. Today, there are more technologies than ever before to help students with speech, interaction, participation, and communication, making for more integrated classrooms and innovative therapies that help these students learn."


Do2learn provides thousands of free pages with social skills and behavioral regulation activities and guidance, learning songs and games, communication cards, academic material, and transition guides for employment and life skills. In addition, we offer premier products including View2do, JobTIPS, FACELAND, books, and apps for purchase.

Estate Planning for Parents of Kids with Autism

As people grow older, especially parents, they begin to think about the future, and how their children will be provided for after they’re gone. For parents of children without developmental disabilities, this is easier, as those children can typically provide for themselves. However, when you have a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder, the issue becomes much knottier. Not only do you have to financially provide for that child after you’re gone, you must ensure they’ll be well taken care of and that your death does not compromise the child in any way other than the obvious emotional impact losing you will have.

Future Horizons - Autism

This site provides links to various materials and treatment approaches.

Gray Center for Social Learning and Understanding

The Gray Center is a non-profit organization dedicated to individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and those who work alongside them to improve mutual understanding. They approach the social impairment in ASD as a shared impairment and work to improve social understanding on both sides of the social equation, helping individuals with ASD to communicate and interact more successfully with the people with whom they live and work.

Home Modification for Autistic Kids

"Children with autism require a special home environment to remain calm and less agitated. However, because many autistic children do not communicate well, understanding their needs is not always easy. Here are some changes that can help children with autism feel safe and comfortable at home."

Indiana Resource Center for Autism

The Indiana Resource Center for Autism (IRCA) staff conduct outreach training and consultations, engage in research, and develop and disseminate information focused on building the capacity of local communities, organizations, agencies, and families to support children and adults across the autism spectrum in typical work, school, home, and community settings. The Indiana Resource Center for Autism does not promote one method or a single intervention. Instead, IRCA staff strives to address the specific needs of the individual by providing information and training on a variety of strategies and methods.

Interactive Autism Network (IAN)

An innovative online project designed to accelerate the pace of autism research by linking researchers and families. Families of children with an ASD can share information in a secure online setting and become part of the nation's largest online research effort.  As a result, researchers will obtain valuable data, explain findings, and collaborate with families and one another.

Michelle Garcia Winner's Center for Social Thinking

Michelle Garcia Winner, speech language pathologist and specialist for persons with social cognitive deficits, is internationally recognized as an innovative therapist, energetic and enthusiastic workshop presenter and author based in San Jose, Ca. where she runs her private practice, the Center for Social Thinking.  She focuses on developing further understanding and educational strategies for helping persons with social thinking or social communicative deficits.

Moving with Special Needs Kids

"Moving is at once stressful and exciting. When you are moving with children, you face a number of considerations that others don't have to face. When you add a special needs child to the mix, you have a lengthy list of addition things you have to do to make the transition as smooth as possible. Here are some tips to help you with the moving process, ensuring that your child's needs are met throughout it."

Operation Autism (for Military Families)

"Operation Autism directly supports U.S. military families touched by autism and autism spectrum disorders. It serves as an introduction to autism, a guide for the life journey with autism, and a ready reference for available resources, services, and support."

Parent's and Physician's Guide to Autism

Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs)—several disabilities that impair development—cause people who live with the disorders to experience communication, social interaction and behavioral challenges. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that roughly 1 in 88 children living in the United States have an ASD. ASDs affect the brain of an individual, which creates a cognitive environment that handles and processes information differently. Consequently, people living with an ASD exhibit a range of mild to severe symptoms and each individual is affected in varying ways.

Reduce the Noise:

"Sensory overload can hit adults as well as children. Fortunately, you can work to understand the potential triggers and your loved one’s experience so you can help support them. Because here at RetailMeNot we work so much in retail spaces, we wanted to put together this guide to help children and adults who may be susceptible to sensory overload in malls, shopping centers and other stores."

Sensory Processing in Everyday Life

This site provided by the Occupational Therapy Department at the University of Kansas Medical Center answers frequently asked questions about sensory processing, defines terminology, lists resources, and describe learning opportunities.

Sensory Resources

Sensory resources were originally integrated as a tool to aid the proper sensory development of children who struggled with sensory perception in the areas of touch, tastes, smells, sights, and sounds. These resources were also popular as a form of therapy for children with various degrees of Autism or children who struggled with self esteem, learning, social relationships, and general, daily interactions.  While sensory resources were essentially designed to solve problems with sensory integration or processing, these resources were created to affect behavioral issues that stemmed from sensory issues. Because sensory disorders often contributed to behavioral issues among children, sensory resources were implemented as a means of guiding sensory integration activities to help children grow.

Sesame Street Autism Resources for Parents

"Sesame Workshop created Sesame Street and Autism: See Amazing in All Children, a nationwide initiative aimed at communities with children ages 2 to 5. Developed with input from parents, people who serve the autism community, and people with autism, See Amazing in All Children offers families ways to overcome common challenges and simplify everyday activities. At the same time, the project fosters an affirming narrative around autism for all families and kids."

Social Skill Builder

This site offers software for developing social skills by presenting video sequences of real-life social scenarios and offering appropriate responses.  It addresses skills in the following areas:  Appropriate Social Behavior, Interactions and Relationships, Social Emotions, and Problem-Solving.

Talkabout Press

Talkabout Press was set up by Alex Kelly – author of the best selling ‘Talkabout’ series – and aims to provide you with a hand-picked selection of books and resources to help you with your work in social skills and communication.  We are a small group of specialists, Speech Therapists and support workers and all the resources we sell have been tried, tested, and loved by us.

TEACCH Articles on Educational Approaches

This site provides a number of good articles on teaching students on the autism spectrum, from structured teaching to inclusion to preparing for college.  

Teaching Tips for Children and Adults with Autism

"Good teachers helped me to achieve success. I was able to overcome autism because I had good teachers. At age 2 1/2 I was placed in a structured nursery school with experienced teachers. From an early age I was taught to have good manners and to behave at the dinner table. Children with autism need to have a structured day, and teachers who know how to be firm but gentle."

University of Arkansas Autism Support Program

The goal of the University of Arkansas Autism Support Program is to provide the intensive assistance students with high functioning autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, PDD-NOS, and non-verbal learning disability need in order to be successful in college. Our students are matriculated University of Arkansas undergraduates who have the cognitive abilities to be in college but require more help than their typical peers to complete a college degree.  Students enrolled in the program receive support in three areas: academics, transitioning to independent adult roles, and social skills.

Wizcase: Online Safety for People with ASD

People from all walks of life and all kinds of backgrounds fall victim to online bullying and cybercrime, but studies have shown that those with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are more susceptible to online threats than others.

ZAC Browser

ZAC (Zone for Autistic Children) is the first web browser developed specifically for children with autism, and autism spectrum disorders such as Asperger syndrome, pervasive developmental disorders (PDD), and PDD-NOS.  This browser is for the children - for their enjoyment, enrichment, and freedom. Children touch it, use it, play it, interact with it, and experience independence through ZAC.

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